Tuesday, March 10, 2009

There is No Dana, Only Zuul.

you do this to me every single time.
i tell myself i should know better.
i know that you don't want me back.
not today.
not tomorrow.
not ever.

& yet somehow, i fall for it.

i believe that things will go back to the way they were.
i believe that we are exactly what the other one needs.
i believe together we can do anything.
that we'll always be there for each other.
that we'll always take on the world together.
that nothing can possibly stand in our way.
i believe that we will be together forever.

but we won't.

i've spent so much time.
hoping against hope.
hoping that i wasn't doing this for nothing.
knowing that i was doing it for you.

hell, everything i do, i do for you.

but i can see it in your eyes that you're interested.
& i can hear in your voice that you're not listening.
you're afraid to touch me.
god knows why.

but the question arises?
why do i want someone who doesn't want me?
even if it works out, it still means she's just settling .
settling for me.

that's what it's come to after all this time.
i'm your contingency plan.
the one you know will never leave.
the one that you're allowed to forget about.

yes it's true, i want you to be with me.
but i want YOU to want to be with me.

so instead i sit here.
awake all night, wishing she were here.
wishing to experience authentic love.
settling for secondary status.
begging for anything.
like chasing ghosts.

loving you is like chasing ghosts.

and you know what?
i ain't 'fraid of no ghosts.

as a matter of fact... 
bustin' makes me feel good.

the one thing that i can never do.
i can't believe for you.
i can't believe, in me, for you.

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