Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mischief of One Kind (And Another.)

does anyone remember a book called Where the Wild Things Are?
when i was a little kid my mom bought it for me.
i remember being a little bit scared by the monsters at first
but still being totally captivated.
i remember being amazed with maurice sendak's illustrations.
they were frightening, but comforting at the same time.
like whistling in the dark.
i related to the concept of using your imagination to escape from
a world that you have no perceived control and going into a new world
where i was like a god.
where the thoughts in my head bent to my all-knowing will.

then you get older, and you forget to imagine.
it's not important to imagine anymore.
we're too busy living.
grown-up life does not allow us to 
waste our time on childish things.
we get up.
we work.
we die.
we forget.

spike jonze is directing the movie version of WTWTA.
it seems that the movie, which is in post-production, 
has proven to be too scary for the target audience.
they want mr. jonze to reshoot the film 
and make it more "family friendly".
but doesn't that defeat the purpose?

i'll be very upset if the movie doesn't keep the dark undertones.

side note: James Gandolfini is apparently 
voicing one of the monsters...

monsters with jersey accents
no wonder it's so frightening.

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