Saturday, March 13, 2010

8-Bit Dance Party!!! (Part 4)

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES)
Konami (1988)

I remember being sorta confused by this box as a little kid.
I'm sure it was trying to be scary, but i don't know...

I mean, just look at Dracula.
he's got like... a unibrow; it's all misty n' shit.

Also, who bedazzled Simon's body armor?
this game should be called...

Castlevania II: Stayin' Alive

I mean, this song is actually called "Bloody Tears"
(jokes aside, this song is bad-ass) 

This is commonly considered to be one of the most
broken & frustrating games that has ever been made.
Due in no small part,  this screen...

and it's companion screen,
the Morning Sun Has 
Vanquished the Horrible Night
which appear every 5-7 minutes to signify
the transfer from "Nighttime" into "Daylight".

You can not skip these scenes.
They will continue throughout the entire game.

As frustrating & confusing as the gameplay can be,
the music almost makes up for it.

this little gem is called "Monster Dance"

Castlevania has kept up it's tradition of 
strong original game music throughout the series.

So here is a bonus track from: 
Super Castlevania 4 (SNES)
Konami (1991)

This would go on to become a
trademark song of the Castlevania Series.

''Simon's Theme"

whip it good, ya'll.

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