jaycw 1982-2008
i can't think of a more fitting photo.
one year ago, Jason Christopher Wilhelm passed away.
he was twenty-five years old & he died from cancer.
Jay was more than just a drummer, he was my friend.
one of my best friends as a matter-of-fact.
sometimes, i feel like we were all robbed.
i know he was sick, but twenty-five is so young.
when i think about all the things that he's missed
& all the things i wish he were still here for,
it makes me mad that his time was up so quickly.
i don't believe in destiny, but i do believe that
we have a pre-determined amount of time on this earth
& the key is to make those most out of the time we have.
because we never know when our time is up.
new york city, 2006
Jay was one of those special types of people.
those people who we sometimes don't appreciate at first.
maybe it was because Jay never pulled any punches.
maybe it's because he stood behind his decisions,
even when he was the only one who believed in it .
maybe it's because we're all just a little bit too stubborn sometimes.
whatever the reason, it wasn't very long before we became like brothers.
when you spend days/weeks living in a van with someone,
driving from Minnesota to Cleveland to New York more times than i can remember now
you realize quickly that these are the people who feel the way you do.
Jay was such a driving force behind the Blueprint
that it will never ever feel the same way with anyone else.
i don't know what happens when our time is up on this planet
if you've read any of my other blogs,
you'll know i'm not a very religious person.
but it's very comforting to me personally that when i die,
i'll be able to see him again wherever i end up.
i hope there's more to it then just rotting in the ground.
at least spiritually.
either way, i have faith that i will see my friend again someday.
& when we do meet again, we can enjoy ridiculing people from heaven.
the OtherSide, 2007
get it?