Thursday, June 25, 2009


i know.... it's been a while.
i promise i'll get on & post more stuff.

for now, watch this.
it's like my indie-wet dream.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Supreme Demonstraton.

remember when our parents wouldn't let us play this?
when you look at it now, it's more funny than violent.

is this what causes Columbine-Bro's?
does Barack Obama know how to do Scorpion's Fatality?
(Up, Up, HP)

...remember when Sub-Zero looked like a very cold Shredder?

i don't either actually...
what the fuck?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sir Charles Raids Again.

it's boggles my mind how i've never
blogged about this before now.

it's literally everything on the planet i like.
& sir charles.

solid gold.

speaking of which...
(click that.)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Rest is Good for the Blood...

What's Up, Doc?

when i was a kid, i loved Looney Tunes
(as opposed to know where i just love hipster tunes)
and for whatever reason this was my favorite one.
i really enjoy the name of the "Dracula" character too

Count BloodCount

i just think that's really clever
("how's that working out for ya, being clever?" - Tyler Durden)

Warner Bros. was always a little bit edgier than Disney cartoons.
kinda like how the Simpsons wasn't as funny anymore
when Family Guy blew up. (my dad always refers to it as "the Family Man")
i also really dig the creepy vibe
the old-school artwork lends to the cartoon
plus the voice acting is just stellar.

so enjoy some classic animation
just for ya'll, from the Baron.